Saturday, September 11, 2010

The first of many angry rants

And I'm sick for the second time this month. Which is extra lame, as I've got the weekend off. Lucky - I almost booked tickets to Copenhagen for 140 pounds, and now I am sooo glad I didn't. This is not just a cold, not just a flu, but some indeterminable, debilitating illness that is making me sweat like a beast in the middle of the night, draining me of all energy, making me sleep poorly and til 5pm and causing me to be crabby as fuck to anyone who comes near me. But since I won't be leaving the house this weekend, the only people who have had to endure my bad mood and general mopiness were my workmates last night.

It feels like tonsillitis. I hate tonsillitis. The positive? I get to eat ice-cream for dinner. I wonder if curry is good for tonsillitis...

I don't think my current work schedule is good for leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle. 2-3 days a week I am at work from midday to 2 or 3am. Everything they feed us is beige - not a vegetable to be seen in the place, well, for the staff anyway. I've started taking fruit to work, but when you start considering ketchup part of your 5+ a day, you know you've got problems.

Other things I hate today? BT, who just informed me that I contacted them to cancel my service effective this Wednesday. I just sent a scathing email (which I toned down slightly from the intial version because I don't want them to fuck over my account). It felt good because they have pissed me off far too many times, and I need to vent at SOMEONE today. They are such bastards.

Wah wah.

I shall end this incredibly negative post with some positives. My former flatmate and one of my absolute favourite people in the world is arriving in London this week. She's only staying for a week, but it will be nice to have another familiar face around. I am also about to book my flights to Germany from the 8th to the 15th of October. I will start in Hamburg, with my friend Sonja and head to Berlin on the 10th to see my other good friends Jamie and Franzi. I was actually meant to go to Hamburg and Berlin when I first arrived in Europe at the end of July. I had worked it out with my employer at the time, but then when I was in Malaysia, found out I had gotten a much better job. So I packed that one in. It wasn't until I got to London that I was told they wanted me to start on the 22nd of July - 2 days after I had arrived. Now I know most people struggle to find a job in London, and money is tight (I started working straight away and spent a good $7000 NZD in the first 6 weeks) but ... having major jetlag, no sense of orientation and nowhere to live makes things SUPER hard. But anyway, Germany! So. bloody. excited!

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